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Codes of Conduct

Please familiarise yourself with our Code of Conduct for:


• I will respect the rights, dignity and worth of all individuals within the context of my involvement in
Australian Football, including refraining from any discriminatory practices on the basis of race, religion, ethnic background or special ability/disability.
• I will abide by and teach the AFL Rules and Regulations of Australian Football and the rules of my club and League/association.
• I will be reasonable in the demands I make in the time commitments of the players in my care, having due consideration for their health and well-being.
• I will be supportive at all times and I will refrain from any form of personal abuse or unnecessary physical contact with the players in my care.
• I will have due consideration for varying maturity and ability levels of my players when designing practice schedules, practice activities and involvement in competition.
• I will avoid overplaying the talented players aiming to maximize participation and enjoyment for all players regardless of ability. Where I am responsible for players in the 8-17 year old age group, I will strive to ensure that all players gain equal playing time (all players must receive a minimum of three quarters of a match)
• I will stress and monitor safety always.
• In recognising the significance of injury and sickness, I will seek and follow the physician’s advice concerning the return of injured or ill players to training.
• I will endeavour to keep informed regarding sound principles of coaching and skill development and of factors relating to the welfare of my players.
• I will at all times display and teach appropriate sporting behaviour, ensuring that players understand and practice fair play.
• I will display and foster respect for umpires, opponents, coaches, administrators, other officials, parents and spectators.
• I will ensure that developing players are involved in a positive environment where skill learning and development as priorities are not overshadowed by a desire to win.
• I reject the use of performance enhancing substances in sport and will abide by the guideline set forth in the AFL DRUG POLICY.

• Play for the “fun of it” and not just to please parents and coaches.
• Play by the rules.
• Never argue with an official. If you disagree, have your captain or coach approach the official during a break or after the match.
• Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials or other players, deliberately fouling or provoking an opponent and inappropriately throwing equipment is not acceptable or permitted in any sport.
• Work equally hard for yourself and your team. Your team’s performance will benefit and so will you.
• Be a good sport. Cheer all good plays whether by your team or the opposition.
• Treat all players as you would like to be treated. Do not interfere with, bully or take unfair advantage of another player.
• Co-operate with your coach, team mates and opponents at all times.

• Children play organised sports for fun. They are not playing for the entertainment of spectators only, nor are they miniature professionals.
• Applaud good performances and efforts by your team and their opponents. Congratulate both teams upon their performance regardless of the result.
• Respect official decisions. If there is a disagreement, follow the appropriate procedure in order to question the decision and teach children to do likewise.
• Never ridicule or scold a child for making a mistake during a match. Positive comments are motivational.
• Condemn the use of violence in any form, be it by spectators, coaches, officials or Players.
• Show respect for your team’s opponents. Without them there would be no match.
• Encourage players to play according to the rules and to obey official decisions.
• Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour by not using foul or abusive language, or harassing Players, coaches or officials.

• Remember that children play sport for their enjoyment not yours.
• Encourage children to participate, do not force them.
• Focus on the child’s efforts and performance rather than winning or losing.
• Encourage children to always participate according to the rules.
• Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a match.
• Remember that children learn best by example. Applaud good plays by all teams.
• Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse for sporting activities.
• Show appreciation of volunteer coaches, officials and administrators. Without them your child could not participate.
• Respect umpires decisions and teach children to do likewise.
• The consumption of alcohol and smoking is inappropriate at all junior matches.
• Failure to adhere to the code of conduct may result in the withdrawal or suspension of your
child’s registration

• Ensure that equal opportunities for participation in sports are made available to all children, regardless of ability, size, shape, sex, age, disability or ethnic origin.
• Ensure that rules, equipment and length of matches and training schedules take into consideration the age, ability and maturity level of participating children.
• Ensure that adequate supervision is provided by qualified and competent coaches and officials capable of developing appropriate sports behaviour and skill technique.
• Ensure that parents, coaches, sponsors, physicians and participants understand their responsibility regarding fair play.
• Modify rules and regulations to match the skill level of children and their needs.
• Condemn unsporting behaviour and promote respect for all opponents.
• Ensure that your behaviour is consistent with the principals of good sporting behaviour

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